“I love work”, the French designer Ronan Bouroullec is not afraid to admit it. Neither are we. We will plan your new office together with you. The way we work has changed drastically over the last few years. Hierarchies, standard rooms, monotonous furnishings, and clearly assigned tasks are becoming more and more obsolete. What this means for company processes? Flexibility and multitasking have turned into prerequisites to survive modern global competition. The ideal office? An office that motivates employees, in which they feel comfortable. Also after 5 pm.
Work in Progress
Each company has a distinct personality. Whether doctors, football clubs, or automotive companies. The architare planning team analyses the characteristics of your company and transforms these into tailored office and object design. Here, we focus on skilful spatial planning, separating the various work areas while keeping them connected.
Work islands and comfortable meeting points are current trends. So are modular furniture systems that can spontaneously adapt to new situations. And what about acoustics? Practical and aesthetic solutions are particularly important in open office landscapes and multifunctional areas. The same applies to the lighting conditions, for good lighting is vital to an optimal atmosphere.

Waiting areas
It is of chief importance to us, as the architare planning team, to known and understand the customer’s company goals. Only then can we sensibly start our work on a design solution. The lobby and waiting areas are among the most important rooms of a company, for each company only gets one chance at a first impression. Here, the interior needs to meet diverse demands. Aside from individual, corporate aspects, we as designers also need to pay attention to representative and communicative aspects. For our high-quality furniture design, we always focus on the company’s philosophy and architecture.

Free space
Teamwork plays a decisive role when we design office areas. Many new work structures have open designs. Fast and constructive teamwork takes place at communicative workspaces. We increasingly confront this phenomenon during the planning of modern companies. In the long term, the concept of the individual office space – intended for one person – will disappear.
Creativity means movement, and offices must allow for this movement – from the writing desk to the short meeting on the go, from the meeting desk to the coffee kitchen or “think tank”. People who move see things differently, this in turn automatically results in different solutions. Good office design, as we see it at architare, therefore supports the further development of a company instead of impeding it.

As in living spaces, open spatial design is increasingly establishing itself in offices. The image of the typical large office building sends shivers down the spines of many. However, with architare, we use an intelligent office concept to make sure that openness does not devolve into chaos and that attention is paid to the feel-good factor. As concerns feeling good: back problems and tension often go hand in hand with monotonous work behind screens and desks. Ergonomic office furniture counteracts this, stimulating physical activity. Freely moving office chairs and height-adjustable desks can be individually adjusted to their users. Sitting/standing workspaces allow users to change between working sitting down and standing up, offering the body relief.

To redesign the office spaces of a company, we try to already take into account work process demands during the planning phase. Here, better communication is the first priority. High-tech conferencing furniture is a natural component of this. Flexible employee locations and the technical devices necessary for these have fundamentally changed the way we communicate.
This should additionally be considered when designing meeting zone and conference rooms. Discussions and presentations are done via Skype. Meetings take place at the desk or on the couch. We share the couch with our manager and exchange information through Facebook. We answer emails on our way to work and we use our change of location to change our perspective, while dealing with creative challenges, constantly interconnected with everyone at all times of day and night. Manager’s office or planning with the team
Auch wenn sich schon einiges in unserer Arbeitswelt verändert hat: Für viele ist das Chefbüro noch immer ein willkommenes Statussymbol. Kein Problem. Wer viel arbeitet, verdient – so finden wir – eine noble Ausstattung. Premiumhersteller wie Walter Knoll, Vitra und USM bieten eigene Kollektionen für das Executive Office, auf die wir gerne zurückgreifen. Dabei wird Flexibilität auch im modernen Management großgeschrieben: Höhenverstellbare Tische brechen die bislang rein horizontal kultivierte Organisation des Arbeitens auf und machen sie auch in der Vertikalen flexibler. So kann der Chef sitzen oder stehen und allein oder im Team planen.
Photos: ©
Marc Eggimann